SQL Docs Execute from TeamCity - Timeout

We have a build step within our TeamCity setup that documents the database changes. It works fine... most of the time. Every other day or so, we receive the following error from TeamCity during that build step:
Restarting that build always completes the second time. Has anyone run into this error before? He's the command we are running:
Thanks in advance.
[01:23:06] Error: The open operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of
[01:23:06] 00:00:03.1201172. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of
[01:23:06] a longer timeout.
[01:23:07] Process exited with code 70
Restarting that build always completes the second time. Has anyone run into this error before? He's the command we are running:
sqldoc /pr:DeploymentBuildprojectname.sqldoc /s:%DBServer% /db:%DBDatabase% /n:%ProjectName% /of:. /xpms /exclude_timestamp /f /v
Thanks in advance.
Alex Nicoletti, CSPO CSM
Arena Product Owner, Shelby Systems, Inc.
Arena Product Owner, Shelby Systems, Inc.
Thanks for contacting us!
This looks to be a WCF error - when you say a build - is that a build using SQL Compare or DLM Automation?
What build steps do you have - especially the step directly previous to this one?
If you put in a manual intervention step prior to the SQL Doc run- does it run successfully after manually approving?
Technical Sales Engineer
Redgate Software