BUG: 7.1.4 - Blocking - Processes - Only shows BLOCKER

Both 6.x and now 7.0.4 onward to 7.1.4 fail to show anything useful aside from the blocking procedure on both the Details and the Processes tabs for a Blocking Process alert.
The proc in question is only 632 lines from title to END. The monitored instance is either 2014 SP2 CU3 or 2016 SP1.
Is this (perhaps) indicative of both the blocker and blocked being the SAME procedure? We run these at least 5-wide during the overnight window... If that's the case, it would help to see the INDIVIDUAL SPID consequences - we don't need to see the same 600+ lines of code.
When I'm gawping at over 600 lines, which of all those queries is the root-cause blocker? Which of the affected SPIDs' queries is being blocked?
I see only a symptom of an issue with SQL Monitor, nothing further than "my body hurts", so I cannot diagnose further. Any hope that this alert will be anything more than a flag-wave, please?
The proc in question is only 632 lines from title to END. The monitored instance is either 2014 SP2 CU3 or 2016 SP1.
Is this (perhaps) indicative of both the blocker and blocked being the SAME procedure? We run these at least 5-wide during the overnight window... If that's the case, it would help to see the INDIVIDUAL SPID consequences - we don't need to see the same 600+ lines of code.
When I'm gawping at over 600 lines, which of all those queries is the root-cause blocker? Which of the affected SPIDs' queries is being blocked?
I see only a symptom of an issue with SQL Monitor, nothing further than "my body hurts", so I cannot diagnose further. Any hope that this alert will be anything more than a flag-wave, please?
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