Memory profiler crashing on .NET Core 1.1 apps

When I try profiling our .NET Core 1.1 applications via the visual studio ANTS -> Profile Memory option, I hit the following error: "Sequence contains no elements".
When I try profiling it via the visual studio ANTS -> Launch ANTS Memory Profiler, the screen indicates "Profiling stopped" immediately. Restarting the profiling session doesn't do anything.
I though .NET Core projects are now supported by the latest ANTS memory profiler.
When I try profiling it via the visual studio ANTS -> Launch ANTS Memory Profiler, the screen indicates "Profiling stopped" immediately. Restarting the profiling session doesn't do anything.
I though .NET Core projects are now supported by the latest ANTS memory profiler.
Can you confirm which version of Visual Studio you're using?
VS community edition 2015 version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3
.NET Framework 4.6.01586
At the time of writing for Visual Studio 2015, only .NET core 1.0.1 was available.