Check during runtime, if SA Error Handling is attached

we use smart assemblx error reporting for an application, but not for all configurations of software. E.g. for DEV environment we have no error handling attached (means AttachApp() is not called).
Is there a way to check thi state during runime. Like "SmartAssembly.GetErrorReportingAttached() or similar ?
Thanks a lot.
we use smart assemblx error reporting for an application, but not for all configurations of software. E.g. for DEV environment we have no error handling attached (means AttachApp() is not called).
Is there a way to check thi state during runime. Like "SmartAssembly.GetErrorReportingAttached() or similar ?
Thanks a lot.
There isn't a built-in method to check if error reporting is enabled, but when you enable error reporting, a namespace is added to your assembly called SmartAssembly.SmartExceptionsCore. What you can do at runtime is check if that namespace exists in the executing assembly. Does that sound like it may help?
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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