Ignore DB's using wildcard

Hi All
We have an application that just got deployed to production, which creates lots of temp DB's and they are not deleted fro several days. The DBnames all begin with MD. How can I disable logbackup overdue etc. to ignore databases like MD%
We have an application that just got deployed to production, which creates lots of temp DB's and they are not deleted fro several days. The DBnames all begin with MD. How can I disable logbackup overdue etc. to ignore databases like MD%
You can't ignore servers based on a wildcard match I'm afraid, but you can assign all the servers to a group, eg 'Testing_MD', and then simply disable any alerts that you don't want at the group level within Alert Configuration.
Thanks, but I'm truing to ignore alerts about *DB's* not servers
Unfortunately you can't exclude databases, and there are no plans to include finer granularity on ignoring individual databases in cases such as this.