Can I use .Net Reflector to debug original code?

1- I know that local variable name saved in PDB file not in Source code
2- I know .NET Reflector desktop application has (how PDB Symbols) that allow me to use original PDB file to get original local variable name
3- I konw .NET Reflector V9 Visual Studio Extension can use to debugging generated Code
but can I use .NET Reflector desktop application -> to generate original source code
side by side with
.NET Reflector V9 Visual Studio Extension -> to use debugging functionality.
so I can debug source code with original local variable name.
So that use all .NET reflector features , It will be very good point.
2- I know .NET Reflector desktop application has (how PDB Symbols) that allow me to use original PDB file to get original local variable name
3- I konw .NET Reflector V9 Visual Studio Extension can use to debugging generated Code
but can I use .NET Reflector desktop application -> to generate original source code
side by side with
.NET Reflector V9 Visual Studio Extension -> to use debugging functionality.
so I can debug source code with original local variable name.
So that use all .NET reflector features , It will be very good point.
Creating the source files first from the desktop app (making sure to Show Pdb Symbols), rebuilding the assembly from those files, and then using the extension to create a new pdb file for the assembly would be the only way at the moment to get original local variable names in the source files. The downside to this though is that the source files created by the desktop app may not be perfect and you'd have to manually fix any errors before it can build. Apologies there isn't a better option at the moment!
We do have a feature request for .NET Reflector to use any existing pdb files when creating pdb and source files (to get the local variable names) and I've +1'd this for you--we have it logged internally as RP-2483.
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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I'm waiting new feature request, it will be very good to be in your product.