Format fails if SQLCMD mode variable is present

the following
SQLCMD mode is on at the time I attempt to do the Format function
UPDATE [provider_master] set FIPS = p.fips_code, MSA = p.msa_code, longatude = p.fac_long, latatude = p.fac_lat FROM provider_master pm INNER JOIN profile_$(HCycleP).dbo.Profile_most_recent p ON pm.RPT_REC_NUM = p.RPT_REC_NUM WHERE 1 = 1will fail to Format. If i replace $(HCycleP) with it's substitute value then the format functions correctly
SQLCMD mode is on at the time I attempt to do the Format function
Unfortunately SQL Prompt doesn't handle partial replacements of identifiers with SQLCMD variables at the moment, however a simple work around is to surround the identifier with square brackets, eg:
Hopefully adding square brackets around the identifier will work for you but if not, please let me know.