Error reading backup file
Posts: 3
I have just upgraded to version 11.6 from 11.5 and after this calling ToConnectionProperties on BackupDatabaseSource throw System.FormatException (Input string was not in a correct format)
My code is the following:
BackupDatabaseSource backupDatabaseSource = new BackupDatabaseSource
Files = new List<string> { @c: est.dmp }
ConnectionProperties connProp = backupDatabaseSource.ToConnectionProperties();
My code is the following:
BackupDatabaseSource backupDatabaseSource = new BackupDatabaseSource
Files = new List<string> { @c: est.dmp }
ConnectionProperties connProp = backupDatabaseSource.ToConnectionProperties();
Sorry you're having issues - unfortunately I don't really know what's going on here from the description you've provided, but if you get in touch with we can figure out how to get a more specific reproduction that we can look into