Interactive Chat inside SQL monitor

I noticed the interactive chat abilities within SQLmonitor 6. While I can see this may provide some valuable feedback for Red Gate, there is some question as to whether this violates our company infosec policies with regard to the use of non company approved chat clients... Is it possible to turn this off?
-Luke L.
-Luke L.
Thanks for posting on the Redgate forums.
Unfortunately, there is no option to disable this feature within SQL Monitor. This channel is just used for communicating features/feedback about features with the development team. In future version's this may again be removed.
Dan Bainbridge
Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
It would be handy to have this exposed in either a) a config file or b) an option during install or at first use. This would allow companies/users who were allowed to enable it to make use of it and provide the feedback to the developers, while allowing those of us in more restricted environments to opt out of it. I'll add it as a suggestion on the user voice site.
Thanks for your reply. This has been added to our planning to see if we can allow this feature to be turned off in a config file.
I will keep you updated with the progress of this.
Dan Bainbridge
Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
We have added an option to disable intercom, this will be included in the next SQL Monitor release which is 6.0.8. This should be out in 2-3 weeks. I will again update this post when this is released.
Dan Bainbridge
Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
Thanks for your patience with this issue.
After upgrading to SQL Monitor 6.0.8 or later you can now disable the intercom feature. You can download the latest version here ... 31Oct2016/.
After upgrading navigate to the following file C:Program FilesRed GateSQL MonitorWebWebsiteweb.config
and amend the line
<intercom enabled="true" /> to be false. and restart the website.
If this line doesn't exist you can add it to the bottom of the file above the </configuration> tag as below.
<intercom enabled="true"/>
Dan Bainbridge
Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software