Base Monitor Not Ready after upgrade

I just installed the most current update, which said it completed, but when I go to the website I get a page in BaseMonitorNotReady and get a message saying:
Unable to upgrade the Data Repository schema
An error message was returned by SQL Server when attempting to modify this database:
Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'RootCir' in table 'alert.Alert' is specified more than once.
It asks for my password with a RETRY UPGRADE button.
The system is on a Windows 7 VM with SQL 2005 Standard as the back end database. I was on (I think) and was upgrading to
The monitoring software is currently not working.
Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
Unable to upgrade the Data Repository schema
An error message was returned by SQL Server when attempting to modify this database:
Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'RootCir' in table 'alert.Alert' is specified more than once.
It asks for my password with a RETRY UPGRADE button.
The system is on a Windows 7 VM with SQL 2005 Standard as the back end database. I was on (I think) and was upgrading to
The monitoring software is currently not working.
- I have tried two different user names/passwords that I know are SA but it just spins for a bit and returns the same screen.
- I rebooted the server (ok its a Windows 7 vm) and still have the same errors.
- I logged into the SQL server via SSMS and everything looks ok there. There was one error in the SQL event log but it was related to the reboot.
- I tried connecting to the website from a different computer, I get the same error and content but the webpage has no formatting or images.
- Looking at the event log I don't see anything that jumps out at me as a problem related to the install, there is some DCOM errors but I don't think they are related.
- I tried re-running the install and it said that I was already on the current version and I would have uninstall it before I could re-run it.
Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for posting on the Redgate forums.
If you go to control panel and open programs and features what are the 2 version numbers given for the SQL Monitor Base and SQL Monitor Web. Do they match? are they both
If the Base is lower and still showing 6.0.2 the first thing to try would be to run the base monitor installer from C:Program FilesRed GateSQL MonitorWebWebsiteDownloadSQLMonitorBaseMonitorInstaller.exe. Does this return the same error?
Do you have a backup of the data repository? If so you could also try restoring the backup and re-run the installer above to see if this is successful.
A more harsh option is to delete the Repository and just install 6.0.5 on a brand new database but you will lose all of the history. It is up to you if this is a viable option or not.
Dan Bainbridge
Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
Sadly no. When I first set this up I was not sure I was going to like or use it so I did not configure the backups and apparently I never circled back to do so.
Not doing basic backups! I have brought shame to my family for generations.
Sounds like I don't have much choice but to delete the repository. Do I delete the entire RedGateMonitor database or just all the objects inside?
Lastly, any idea why this might have happened? Was it just a fluke or do I need to look into upgrading from SQL 2005 or Windows 7?
Thanks for the help.
At present, this does appear to have been a one-off. When the installer first ran it would have created a temporary log file which might still be hanging around. You should be able to search for the "Install-Response.log" which will be located in
There should be one file for each install so hopefully, you can match up the dates to find the relevant file. You should have received an email stating a support call was created for you if you can send the log file into the ticket.
I believe the fix will still be to delete the database. Which is deleting the whole database rather than just the objects inside and then re-run the 6.0.5 installer which will recreate the database on the updated schema.
Dan Bainbridge
Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
Cannot assign a default value to a local variable.
Cannot assign a default value to a local variable.
Cannot assign a default value to a local variable.
Must declare the scalar variable "@MachinePos".
But it does create a database! So I continued the install and it completed with no errors, both Base and Web were installed. BUT, when I go to the website I get the same error I initially got about the columns.
I have not received any email about a support ticket as of yet.
Looking into this it could well be related to the SQL Server 2005, unfortunately, we officially dropped support for SQL Server 2005 with the release of version 6. The earliest version we now support is 2008. I understand that upgrading SQL Servers isn't a quick or easy process, but it was End of Lifed by Microsoft in April, so we can no longer support it either.
Dan Bainbridge
Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software