Some stored procedures lose db/schema reference
SQL Prompt is removing the database/schema when I try to type in the fully qualified name, when the database name/schema should not be removed. I haven't tested all types of procedures, but I noticed that system SPs, extended SPs, and user defined SPs seem to be affected by this.
For example:
replaced with:
replaced with:
version: SQL Prompt
For example:
exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
replaced with:
declare @mailitem_id int; exec sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = null ,@recipients = '' ,@copy_recipients = '' ,@blind_copy_recipients = '' ,@subject = N'' ,@body = N'' ,@body_format = '' ,@importance = '' ,@sensitivity = '' ,@file_attachments = N'' ,@query = N'' ,@execute_query_database = null ,@attach_query_result_as_file = null ,@query_attachment_filename = N'' ,@query_result_header = null ,@query_result_width = 0 ,@query_result_separator = '' ,@exclude_query_output = null ,@append_query_error = null ,@query_no_truncate = null ,@query_result_no_padding = null ,@mailitem_id = @mailitem_id output ,@from_address = '' ,@reply_to = ''
exec TaylorSwiftDb.dbo.sp_spaceused
replaced with:
exec sp_spaceused @objname = N'' ,@updateusage = ''
version: SQL Prompt
I think this might have already been fixed in the latest beta build, but if not let me know and I'll investigate further.