Ignoring Triggers
I am trying to get readyroll to ignore some Triggers. I followed the advice from this thread viewtopic.php?f=199&t=79386
Looking in the .sqlproj, I can see the section in question:
I can see that it includes a regular expression for Trigger. So, I set my project setting to
In the end, I am looking for the option "Ignore DML triggers" in SQL Compare, which works exactly as expected.
Any help at all will be appreciated.
Looking in the .sqlproj, I can see the section in question:
<ExcludeObjectsFromImport> Assembly=[myschemaname]; Credential=[mycredential]; DatabaseDdlTrigger=[ddltriggername]; Default=[dbautil].[(.*?)]; PartitionFunction=[mypartitionfunction]; PartitionScheme=[mypartitionfunction]; Role=[myrole]; Rule=[dbautil].[(.*?)]; Schema=[dbautil]; Sequence=[dbautil].[(.*?)]; StoredProcedure=[dbautil].[(.*?)]; Synonym=[dbautil].[(.*?)]; Table=[dbautil].[(.*?)]; [b] Trigger=[dbautil].[(.*?)];[/b] User=[myusername]; UserDefinedDataType=[dbautil].[(.*?)]; UserDefinedFunction=[dbautil].[(.*?)]; View=[dbautil].[(.*?)]; XmlSchemaCollection=[dbautil].[(.*?)]; Contract=[myservicebrokercontract]; EventNotification=[myservicebrokereventnotification]; MessageType=[myservicebrokermessagetype]; Queue=[myservicebrokerqueue]; RemoteServiceBinding=[myservicebrokerremotebinding]; Route=[myservicebrokerroute]; Service=[myservicebrokerservice]; </ExcludeObjectsFromImport>
I can see that it includes a regular expression for Trigger. So, I set my project setting to
<ExcludeObjectsFromImport> Trigger=(.*?); Synonym=(.*?); </ExcludeObjectsFromImport>I also tried
<ExcludeObjectsFromImport> Trigger=[dbo].[(.*?)]; Synonym=(.*?); </ExcludeObjectsFromImport>Synonyms are correctly excluded, but my triggers are still being included. I need to handle the trigger separately because it updates a foreign database via synonym and at initial install that database does not exist yet. I cannot install the foreign database first because it too has references back to this database.... (Don't ask why, I just inherited this mess and need to get the installers working).
In the end, I am looking for the option "Ignore DML triggers" in SQL Compare, which works exactly as expected.
Any help at all will be appreciated.
As you've suggested, there is an "ignore DML triggers" option available within SQL Compare. Unfortunately this is not currently available through the .sqlproj file settings, however I will raise this with the team as a high priority and will get back to you shortly.
Product Manager
Redgate Software
You can now exclude all DML triggers from your ReadyRoll project by including the following SQL Compare option within your .sqlproj file: It would be great to hear if this resolves the issue for you. This fix should be generally available in the next week or so.
Product Manager
Redgate Software
http://www.red-gate.com/dynamic/product ... l/download
Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention!
Product Manager
Redgate Software
Any chance you can introduce DmlTrigger section in ExcludeObjectsFromImport?
Product Manager
Redgate Software