Suggestions don't show database content

When I toggle the Suggestions (CTRL+Space), I see nothing but snippets.
No databases, no tables, no columns, no nothing.
Strangely enough, this only happens on my SQL Server 2014 instance!
I have an old SQL Server 2005 instance which behaves fine...
Does anybody else experience this?
Is there something, I need to do, in order to get it to work on the SQL Server 2014 instance (which is my production database now...
No databases, no tables, no columns, no nothing.
Strangely enough, this only happens on my SQL Server 2014 instance!
I have an old SQL Server 2005 instance which behaves fine...
Does anybody else experience this?
Is there something, I need to do, in order to get it to work on the SQL Server 2014 instance (which is my production database now...

It is funny how asking a question can set the mind in gears... I have been troubled by this for months and finally took the time to post the question here ... only to find the solution myself a few minutes later.
I decide to leave the post (and display my own error) just in case somebody else do what I did: Searching the forum in vain for addressing the root cause of this. So this is what I found:
1) The behavior of SQL Prompt is ruled by the "Options" (duh!) - so go have a look there!
2) If you have modified the Suggestions > Connections like I have (in the past, due to connecting to a really large production server where I only had read permissions to views on a single database out of hundreds), and chosen the "Only load suggestions for certain databases" option under "Databases", be very careful with the spelling!
Because our new instance has had a name-change along the way... a dash was removed from the name (because dashes are visually pleasing, but really annoying in SQL Server environments, triggering the need for square brackets every time the instance is referenced). And I had not changed the name in this option window...
So there you go: Correct naming of the instances and databases is crucial, if you don't use the option "Load suggestions for all databases".
It has nothing to do with the SQL Server version.
Glad to hear you solved your problem, and thanks for letting us know how you managed it!
Best regards,