Display Bug

MarkThorntonMarkThornton Posts: 21
edited July 29, 2016 6:58AM in SQL Compare 11
I have made the following changes in a view:

1) I commented out a single line in the view definition, using this syntax:
/* first statement that I commented out */

2) Months later, I commented out a large block of lines, which began before the first statement and ended after it. The code looked like this:
/* Line 1 above original commented out line
Line 2 above original commented out line
Line 30 above original commented out line
/* first statement that I commented out */
Line 1 after original commented out line
Line 2 after original commented out line
Line 9 after original commented out line */

In SQL Server management Studio, all the lines appear green, and none of them are active.
In SQL Compare, the 9 lines AFTER the original statement appear in black: they look as though they should be active, but thankfully, they are not.

Please can you investigate, as I think this is a bug that needs to be corrected.

I first noticed this with v11.4, but it persisted after I upgraded to v11.6.
P.S. I get exactly the same behaviour in SQL Server Source Control. I presume that this is because Source Control uses SQL Compare.
Mark Thornton
Database Developer
School of Clinical Medicine
University of Cambridge


  • Hi Mark,

    This is a known bug, with reference SC-4381. The team are aware and I have made a note on our system that you are keen for this to be fixed. Unfortunately I can't give any timescales at the moment, but I will let you know when I get any updates.
    Software Engineer
    Redgate Software
  • Thanks Robert!
    Mark Thornton
    Database Developer
    School of Clinical Medicine
    University of Cambridge
  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,157 Diamond 4
    Hi Mark,

    The devs have indicated the issue SC-4381 has been resolved in the latest version (release notes).

    This version is currently available via frequent updates so please enabled those to get the fix version or wait until it comes to a general release.

    Please let us know whether this resolves the issue for you!

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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