Tree navigation icons path wrong

JulianJulian Posts: 2
edited July 11, 2016 5:31AM in SQL Doc
When generating documentation as HTML without frames, the images in the tree navigation are missing, due to a wrong path.
E.g. the table icon path is set to ../../../../Images/Table.png, should be ../../../Images/Table.png

My version:

Are you going to fix this for SSMS shipped with SQL Server 2014?


  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
    Thank you for your forum post.

    Would you please upgrade to V3.0.7.407, which can be downloaded using this LINK?

    Once you have completed the upgrade, do you still encounter the reported problem?

    I am unable to replicate your problem using this version of SQL Doc on my SQL 2014 test server, hence the request for you to upgrade.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
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