How many impact when it do comparing the data?

I want to know how does the "Data compare for Oracle" to compare the data?
When it comparing ,does any impact for OS or Oracle ?
Thank you.
I want to know how does the "Data compare for Oracle" to compare the data?
When it comparing ,does any impact for OS or Oracle ?
Thank you.
The speed of the comparisons depends heavily on the structure of the data, amount of data and of course the speed of the connection. As a general guide, small, simple, data sets over local connections can take seconds. Huge data sets with many BLOB and CLOB columns can take several hours.
Speed is generally cited by our customers as a key advantage of our tools over competitors, there are several testimonials here: ... le/reviews
You can filter a comparison to a much smaller set to test the tool in various ways. You can reduce the number of tables in the comparison, or select only specific columns to compare, or you can specify a where clause on individual tables to reduce the number of rows being compared. Details on all of these can be found from this page: ... comparison