Statement of Direction and new version

vatasivatasi Posts: 6
edited June 16, 2016 4:55AM in Source Control for Oracle

are there any plans to develop this product further? Some statement of direction probably?

Our company adopt the product for the moment but without clarity about the future of the product we may consider an alternatives...

Beste Regards,


  • jacerojacero Posts: 1 New member
    Agreed with vatasi

    Just received email announcing Source Control v5 for SQL Server -- where is Oracle support?
  • Hello is there any official Support here?

    The questions from customers have been left without any reaction for several days...
  • I’m sorry to bring the news, but there isn’t a new version of Source Control for Oracle coming imminently.

    We’d still like to hear from you about where you’re looking for this product to improve. We’re don’t assume that all capabilities in SQL Source Control should automatically be brought over to Source Control for Oracle, so the releases won’t go in lock-step. The up-side, though, is that gives us more flexibility to address needs specific to Oracle.

    Warm regards,

    Elizabeth Ayer
    Portfolio Lead
    Elizabeth Ayer
    Product Manager
    Red Gate Software Ltd
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