I try to deploy a basic DB to an empy DB in SQL 2012 PRO.
Steps I followed:
1- CREATE a DB Named DB1,DB2
2- CREATE a TABLE named tbl1_db1 inside DB1 with columns A,B,C in sequence
3- CREATE a STORED PROCEDURE named sp1_db1 with no parameter just includes a basic select query
select A,B,C from tbl1_db1 with(nolock)
3- CREATE a STORED PROCEDURE named sp1_db2 with no parameter just includes a basic select query
select A, C from tbl1_db1 with(nolock)
4- DELETE COLUMN B from tbl1_db1 and save it.
Then I try to deploy DB1 TO DB2 and I get invalid column name B as I've expected. However I wonder that is there a way to create procedure without column validation
Another problem is that, If i check options:
don't use transactions in deployment scripts & don't add eror handling statements to deployment script
It adds tables and procedures before sp1_db1 which is a consequence I've expected but the deployment process does not continue to add stored procedure after sp1_db1
Thanks in Advance
Steps I followed:
1- CREATE a DB Named DB1,DB2
2- CREATE a TABLE named tbl1_db1 inside DB1 with columns A,B,C in sequence
3- CREATE a STORED PROCEDURE named sp1_db1 with no parameter just includes a basic select query
select A,B,C from tbl1_db1 with(nolock)
3- CREATE a STORED PROCEDURE named sp1_db2 with no parameter just includes a basic select query
select A, C from tbl1_db1 with(nolock)
4- DELETE COLUMN B from tbl1_db1 and save it.
Then I try to deploy DB1 TO DB2 and I get invalid column name B as I've expected. However I wonder that is there a way to create procedure without column validation
Another problem is that, If i check options:
don't use transactions in deployment scripts & don't add eror handling statements to deployment script
It adds tables and procedures before sp1_db1 which is a consequence I've expected but the deployment process does not continue to add stored procedure after sp1_db1
Thanks in Advance
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