Data Compare for replication

I have multiple SQL express databases in remote offices around the world and would like to replicate the data back to North America office which has SQL Standard. If I use SQL Data compare to do this, does it bring all the data across all the time. is there a way to just get the changes after the last synch.
Thanks for your post!
SQL Data Compare does a runtime comparison so it will check both source and Target and then do the comparison. So if there is any drift in the data/schema SQL Data Compare will pick it and show the differences.
Hope this answers your question. Is there anything else I can help you with?
Product Support
Redgate Software Ltd.
SQL Data Compare needs to look at each and every row to see if there are any differences. And hence it compares Row by row depending on Comparison key selected and then can present the differences between source and target databases.
Hope this answers your question.
Product Support
Redgate Software Ltd.