Table varaible suggestion enclosed in square brackets

I am declaring a table variable and then when I use the table variable, the suggestion is enclosing it in square brackets erroneously. When a variable is enclosed in brackets, then SQL thinks I am referring to a column in a table. Invalid column name
DECLARE @AssignmentTypes Job.udtbl_AssignmentType -- User defined table -- Column in select statement CASE WHEN EmpConflict.ConflictExists = 1 THEN Job.fn_GetJobConflictList_Employee(@ClientId, @EmployeeId, JESD.EmployeeScheduleDate, JESD.EmployeeScheduleId, [@AssignmentTypes]) -- suggestion puts the variable @AssignmentTypes in square brackets, bad ELSE '' END AS ResourceDayInfo,
I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with adding square brackets. I wasn't able to reproduce the issue using your script. Are you highlighting the entire script then running "Add square brackets" (Ctrl + B, Ctrl + B )?
What version of Prompt are you using? If you're not on the latest version (, could you upgrade and see if the behaviour is the same?
2. Ctrl+B Ctrl+B removes square brackets, it does not add them.
3. Ctrl+B Ctrl+B does not remove the square brackets around my table variable because that's what it has in its suggestion list.
4. That's what I am trying to convey to you is that SQL prompt shows @AssignmnentTypes udtbl_AssignmentTypes as a variable in its suggestion list, but when I select it, it puts [@AssignmnentTypes ] which is not correct
5. I can get it to do this consistently
6. When I type the following code in, when I am typing my SQL statements and filling out the parameters to the function below, @AssignmnentTypes is shown in the SQL Prompt suggestion list, and when I select it, SQL prompt erroneously puts square brackets around the variable. Which when I try to create or alter the stored proc, I get an error that the column name is not defined. Because when there is square brackets around the name of the variable, SQL Server thinks it's a column name in a table somewhere. An @ variable of any kind can not have brackets around it.
We’ve been able to reproduce this behaviour and have implemented a fix in this private build.
Normally inserting square brackets around table variables is useful for accessing columns. We’ve now added some logic to check whether the parameter is a table type before surrounding it with square brackets.
Please could you download the private build and let us know if it works as you’d expect? If so, we’ll include it in the next public release.
The private build works perfectly! I went back and modified the proc that I used in the example I provided to you and the suggestion list properly inserted the table variable without square brackets into my T-SQL code.
Thank you and the team for the efforts!