Jenkins Cant find SQLCI.exe

cmietznercmietzner Posts: 2
edited May 5, 2016 4:28PM in SQL CI 2
I am getting the following error when trying to run my Jenkins job.
Getting version 'C90852' to 'C:JenkinsworkspaceRedGate Deployment'...
Finished getting version 'C90852'.
ERROR: SQL CI executable cannot be found. Checked nullsqlCIsqlci.exe  nullRed GateDLM Automation Suite 1sqlCIsqlci.exe  nullRed GateSQL Automation Pack 1sqlCIsqlci.exe  nullRed GatesqlCIsqlci.exe  nullRed GateDLM Automation Suite 1sqlCIsqlci.exe  nullRed GateSQL Automation Pack 1sqlCIsqlci.exe  nullRed GatesqlCIsqlci.exe  .Please install Redgate SQL CI on this agent.
Build step 'Redgate SQL CI: Build a database package' marked build as failure

I have installed the DLM suite and i even added the path to SQLCI.exe to my environment variable.

My Jenkins Master is running on Linux Server but does not have any executors.
The job is running on Windows Server 2012.

I looked to see if there was a config for the plugin on the server to change the path of the SQLCi.exe but couldnt find anything

Any suggestions?
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