Trying Ready Roll with no luck
Trying to use Ready Roll. Created a new project and when I try to change the DB connection string in the DBSync the button is not available.
The windows trys to connect to LocalDB and it always shows:
Message = Cannot connect to Sql Server LocalDB: Printing of LocalDB instance "ProjectsV12" information failed because of the following error:
LocalDB instance "ProjectsV12" doesn't exist!
Data = System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
InnerException =
TargetSite = Void ThrowForNonSuccess(System.Threading.Tasks.Task)
StackTrace =
Server stack trace:
at ReadyRollAdvancePtyLtd.ReadyRoll_VSPackage.ConnectionTester.<TestConnectionsAsync>d__2.MoveNext()
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccess(Task task)
at ReadyRollAdvancePtyLtd.ReadyRoll_VSPackage.Commands.SelectProjectCommand.<Execute>d__11.MoveNext()
HelpLink =
Source = Microsoft.CompilerServices.AsyncTargetingPack.Net4
HResult = -2146233088
The windows trys to connect to LocalDB and it always shows:
Message = Cannot connect to Sql Server LocalDB: Printing of LocalDB instance "ProjectsV12" information failed because of the following error:
LocalDB instance "ProjectsV12" doesn't exist!
Data = System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
InnerException =
TargetSite = Void ThrowForNonSuccess(System.Threading.Tasks.Task)
StackTrace =
Server stack trace:
at ReadyRollAdvancePtyLtd.ReadyRoll_VSPackage.ConnectionTester.<TestConnectionsAsync>d__2.MoveNext()
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccess(Task task)
at ReadyRollAdvancePtyLtd.ReadyRoll_VSPackage.Commands.SelectProjectCommand.<Execute>d__11.MoveNext()
HelpLink =
Source = Microsoft.CompilerServices.AsyncTargetingPack.Net4
HResult = -2146233088
My apologies for this issue.
As you rightly point out, there should be a way to change the connection when this type of error occurs.
Would you mind uninstalling your current version of ReadyRoll and trying this build? ... 3.1097.exe
Note that the connection error will still occur, however instead of the current error, you should be given the option to change the connection to another SQL Server instance:
Of course, there's still the issue of why the localdbProjectsV12 instance doesn't exist to begin with. To help us troubleshoot this, would you mind opening "Help... About" in Visual Studio and clicking "Copy Info"? Feel free to message me with the output or post it here. Thanks!
Product Manager
Redgate Software