Format options for "with" keyword

Is there a way to configure formatting style for CTE "with" keyword and related query as shown in example below ?
Thanks !
Is there a way to configure formatting style for CTE "with" keyword and related query as shown in example below ?
with _ATTRIBUTE as ( select role_id , count(role_id) attribute_count from roles.role_attribute_role group by role_id ) select , r.workflow_id , , r.label , r.short_text , r.is_generic , _ATTRIBUTE.attribute_count from roles.[role] r left join _ATTRIBUTE on _ATTRIBUTE.role_id =;
Thanks !
There isn't an option to change this in the current version of SQL Prompt. We're currently making a new formatting system that is designed to be much more flexible. We're still taking suggestions for formatting styles through this survey, so please do fill this out as many times as you like with how you like your SQL to be formatted. We're also using this survey to keep all of the suggestions in one place.
Best regards,