Command line activation

Hello, I am trying to activate and deactivate SmartAssembly via the command line as described in this help document in order to support multiple build servers with slightly different configurations where only one would be active at a time. The instructions in this document do not appear to work. Instead of activating the product a window appears telling me that my trial is over. Is this documentation correct?
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm afraid that the article you've found doesn't apply to SmartAssembly, but there is an unsupported way to activate SmartAssembly from command line--it works by installing SmartAssembly from command line and activating during the installation process. I've sent over the details and files needed to do this via a support call I've opened up for you (#59288)--please let me know if you haven't received this!
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
Have you visited our Help Center?
We are facing the same issue. Could you provide us needed files and instructions to achieve this?
Thank you.
@rksolutions We haven't heard back to continue looking into why those steps didn't work for you, but if you are still in need of assistance with this as well, please let us know!
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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