Auditing/Logging of AD Logins

JoeGTJoeGT Posts: 50
edited December 15, 2015 1:49PM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions
I am trialing using SQL Monitor 5 in one of our UAT environments and one of the questions that has come up from colleagues is the ability to look at logs/auditing for users accessing the application.

Is there somewhere in the repository where this information is collected that could be queried? It is a compliance requirement that we be able to show who accessed the application and when.

I could trawl the schema and look for this myself but thought I would ask here so you can point me in the right direction or advise me if this level of information is even collected.

Thank you



  • Hi Joe,

    Sorry for the late reply on this!

    We do not keep a record of the logins to SQL Monitor. If you are using AD I believe this information will be somewhere in the event logs (and possible other places).

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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