
Command line not detecting differences

JohnStevensBIJohnStevensBI Posts: 9
edited November 13, 2015 5:38PM in SQL Data Compare 11
My command line script, shown below, does not detect differences between two tables that have different data sets. Specifically, the table on server1 has more rows than its counterpart on server2.
sqldatacompare /Server1 server1 /Server2 server2 /db1:dbname /db2:dbname /UserName2:sqluser /Password2:password /Synchronize /Options:n /Include:Table:tablename

I have tried this with option /ucc as well, and by stating the tablename as [tablename]
I have tried it with /Include:Identical, which successfully surpresses the error.

What are the troubleshooting steps?


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