Pivot query wildcard expansion gives wrong table alias.

SQL Prompt Version
SQL Server 2008 R2
Using the example below when using the wildcard expansion on SELECT * the results are:
The results should be:
Net effect is that I have to go through a procedure and correct pivot (and unpivot) functions after applying [Format SQL]
A fix (or having pivot/unpivot functions ignored) would be appreciated!
Lawrence Barnes
SQL Server 2008 R2
Using the example below when using the wildcard expansion on SELECT * the results are:
This fails when running.SELECT data.Color , data.Shape , data.Quantity.
The results should be:
SELECT pvt.Shape, pvt.Blue, pvt.Red, pvt.Green
Net effect is that I have to go through a procedure and correct pivot (and unpivot) functions after applying [Format SQL]
A fix (or having pivot/unpivot functions ignored) would be appreciated!
Lawrence Barnes
CREATE TABLE #tmp (Color VARCHAR(10), Shape VARCHAR(10), Quantity INT) INSERT INTO #tmp ( Color, Shape, Quantity ) SELECT x.Color, y.Shape, z.Quantity FROM (VALUES('Blue'),('Red'),('Green')) x(Color) CROSS JOIN (VALUES('Square'),('Rectangle'),('Triangle'),('Rhombus')) y(Shape) CROSS JOIN (VALUES(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) z(Quantity) SELECT * FROM (SELECT t.Color, t.Shape, t.Quantity FROM #tmp t) data PIVOT(SUM(Quantity) FOR Color IN(Blue, Red, Green)) pvt ORDER BY Shape DESC DROP TABLE #tmp
Thanks for your post - we're aware the suggestions are incorrect if a PIVOT clause is involved and we're hoping to improve them in the next version of SQL Prompt.
We've got a UserVoice request logged for it here and if you add a vote against the idea it'll notify you when we have a new build ready.