Data Compare for Oracle - new command line

richardjmrichardjm Posts: 598
edited October 5, 2015 8:03AM in Data Compare for Oracle
Data Compare for Oracle - 2.6.1

Command line
Complete rewrite of Data Compare command line - most features now available directly on the command line, without having to create a project first using the UI.
/abortonwarnings added
/source and /target to specify live schemas
/comparison and /behavior to specify comparison and scripting options
/include and /exclude to specify tables or views to compare
/includecolumns and /excludecolumns to specify columns to include within particular tables
/comparisonkeys to control data comparison. You can specify custom comparison keys using column names
/loglevel:error|warning|verbose to create full Redgate log files
/verbose and /quiet to control output

ODC-211: HTML reports now replicate the behavior of the UI when reporting differences
Updated icons and splash screen
Richard Mitchell
Project Manager
Red Gate Software Ltd
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