Export trims SQL queries

I am using the trial version of ANTS Performance Profiler and so far am really happy with the product. I have convinced my Dev Manager to budget for some licenses for our team.
I am currently profiling an application that has some inefficient implementations for its ORM (NHibernate).
I need to make a case using quantitative data(thanks ANTS Profiler!) on why we need to refactor the code.
I noticed that the profiled NHibernate queries are trimed by ANTS Profiler when you try to export them, in whatever format
There is no option/setting that I could find that would turn of trimming.
I am hoping this isnt a hard-coded feature/limit, as I need each complete query in the analysis that I have to document.
Is there a way of telling ANTS Profiler NOT to trim the queries?
I am using the trial version of ANTS Performance Profiler and so far am really happy with the product. I have convinced my Dev Manager to budget for some licenses for our team.
I am currently profiling an application that has some inefficient implementations for its ORM (NHibernate).
I need to make a case using quantitative data(thanks ANTS Profiler!) on why we need to refactor the code.
I noticed that the profiled NHibernate queries are trimed by ANTS Profiler when you try to export them, in whatever format
There is no option/setting that I could find that would turn of trimming.
I am hoping this isnt a hard-coded feature/limit, as I need each complete query in the analysis that I have to document.
Is there a way of telling ANTS Profiler NOT to trim the queries?