SQL Prompt causes VSUI.dll error

I installed the latest SQL Prompt Update: and my computer's security software flagged 2 files as a threat: SQLPrompt.VSUI.resources.dll and SQLPrompt.VSUI.dll
The error message identified swiftbrowse as PUA
The error message identified swiftbrowse as PUA
Which security software are you using? We've had some false positives in the past as some viruses have used the same obfuscation software.
I just had a search and oddly enough it looks like swiftbrowse isn't even a virus but just an application (a potentially unwanted one) so I don't know why it's decided to flag up SQLPrompt.VSUI.dll.
Thanks for looking into this. We use Webroot Secure Anywhere Endpoint Protection.
I think the simplest thing to do for now is to release this new build to avoid others hitting this issue and if happens again I'll get in contact with Webroot and see if they can add us to a whitelist. You can get the new build ( from our website.
Thanks for reporting this!