Filtering PRIOR to compare execution

sgsentierisgsentieri Posts: 3
edited May 26, 2015 9:19AM in Schema Compare for Oracle
I'd like to filter on both SCHEMA and OBJECT TYPE prior to the compare execution. I haven't found a way to do this yet. Am I missing something?


  • Sadly you're not. It's something on our TODO list as we've introduced better filtering in Source Control for Oracle but we're going to extend this and backport it into both Schema Compare and Data Compare and move it to behave as a pre-filter.

    We're currently working on improvements to Data Compare for Oracle command line (a complete rewrite to better support using the tool in a CI environment) and finishing off our 12c support.
    Richard Mitchell
    Project Manager
    Red Gate Software Ltd
  • Thank you for the info. If you're looking for someone to do testing for you, let us know.
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