Pressing TAB then SPACE when selecting a suggestion
I'm evaluating SQL Prompt right now, and I came across some weirdness.
- Typing out a SELECT with an INNER JOIN.
- Start typing the right table's name and the suggestions box pops up and starts autocompleting as I type more letters.
- Type most of the table's name (e.g. all but the last three letters) and press TAB to select/apply the suggestion. The full table name is now there.
- Press SPACE to continue typing (e.g. to type the alias for the table or just continue the statement)...***those last three letters that I didn't type earlier are shown***. The cursor position is also on the left edge of the three letters, not the right.
3 letters, 5 letters...whatever part of the table's name you don't type before pressing TAB then SPACE shows up on the line.
Same problem using ENTER to select/apply the suggestion then SPACE.
I'll attach some screenshots.
- Typing out a SELECT with an INNER JOIN.
- Start typing the right table's name and the suggestions box pops up and starts autocompleting as I type more letters.
- Type most of the table's name (e.g. all but the last three letters) and press TAB to select/apply the suggestion. The full table name is now there.
- Press SPACE to continue typing (e.g. to type the alias for the table or just continue the statement)...***those last three letters that I didn't type earlier are shown***. The cursor position is also on the left edge of the three letters, not the right.
3 letters, 5 letters...whatever part of the table's name you don't type before pressing TAB then SPACE shows up on the line.
Same problem using ENTER to select/apply the suggestion then SPACE.
I'll attach some screenshots.
I'm looking into this now but I'm not sure I can recreate the same behaviour here - some screenshots would be really useful in diagnosing this! Unfortunately this board doesn't support attachments, but feel free to email them to me at
Sorry - I tried to reply to your email but it looks like it didn't get through (with "Recipient server unavailable or busy").
We weren't able to reproduce the same behaviour here and had a few more questions to help track it down:
1) Which version of Prompt are you running? (you can find this through SQL Prompt->Help->About SQL Prompt)
2) Which version of SSMS are you running? (From the screenshots I assume 2008R2?)
3) Do you have any other addins installed?
2. SSMS 2008 (not R2)
3. I have the free version of dbForge SQL Complete installed, prior to SQL Prompt. I disabled SQL Complete in its Options when I started evaluating SQL Prompt, but it's still installed. I just installed CodePlex ExpressProfiler and Supratimas today.
It's worth trying to uninstall SQL Complete just in case it's trying to complete the same object. It's also possible that it might have re-enabled built in SSMS intellisense and that could be doing the same. You can disable this by navigating to Tools->Options->Text Editor->Transact-SQL->IntelliSense and then uncheck "Enable IntelliSense"