Enable Code Suggestion not working

Somehow my code suggestions stopped working.
When I go to the SQL Prompt menu and disable and Enable Code Suggestions I get this error:
Invalid object name 'master.sys.table_types'.

In SSMS I am connected to both SQL Server 2005 and 2014 in the explorer. 2014 has this table_types table but 2005 doesn't. Somehow SQL Prompt is confused. This used to work.
Any suggestions (no pun intended)?
When I go to the SQL Prompt menu and disable and Enable Code Suggestions I get this error:
Invalid object name 'master.sys.table_types'.

In SSMS I am connected to both SQL Server 2005 and 2014 in the explorer. 2014 has this table_types table but 2005 doesn't. Somehow SQL Prompt is confused. This used to work.
Any suggestions (no pun intended)?
Sorry you're having problems with Prompt! I'm looking into this now but I'm not having much luck recreating it. I had a search in our bug tracking system and I think I've got the error report that you sent in (there was only one logged with this error, but it didn't have an email address attached). Oddly enough it looks like Prompt thought it was connected to a 2008 server.
I've got a few more questions to help me track it down:
1) Do you only get the error on disabling/enabling? (ie. does it populate suggestions the first time you connect to the server?)
2) Which server was the active query connected to when this happened?
3) What does SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') return if executed against your 2005 server?