Slight bug with the 'Find Unused Variables and Parameters'
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In the code below, if you run 'Find Unused Variables and Parameters' it will errantly flag the declaration of @AuditTable as 'The variable declared here is used before it has a value assigned to it' - repro below
SET ANSI_NULLS ON; GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON; GO --#region Proc Header -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Name : usp_TestForRedGate -- Description : This is a test for unused variables -- Example : EXECUTE dbo.usp_TestForRedGate -- Notes : -- Called By : -- -- Revision Author JIRA Description -- 2015-03-11 Ozzie Changed code to work with SQL 2012 and the Sentinel migration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --#endregion ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_TestForRedGate] AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE -- User Friendly Constants @Succeeded INT = 0, @StoredProcedure SYSNAME = ISNULL( OBJECT_NAME( @@PROCID ), 'Inline Code' ); DECLARE @ExecutionStatus INT = @Succeeded; DECLARE @Results TABLE ( [MsgID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, [MsgData] NVARCHAR(4000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [MsgDate] DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT( CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ), [Duration(ms)] INT NULL ); DECLARE @AuditTable TABLE -- Flagged as 'The variable declared here is used before it has a value assigned to it' ( [Action] VARCHAR(6) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ); BEGIN TRY INSERT INTO @Results( MsgData ) SELECT 'Entered ' + @StoredProcedure + '.'; MERGE dbo.InboundCorrespondenceStatus AS ICS USING ( SELECT ICD.FileDetailID, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS StatusDate FROM dbo.InboundCorrespondenceDetails AS ICD INNER JOIN dbo.tmpWelcomeLetter AS WL ON ICD.CustomerID = WL.CustomerID AND ICD.FileID = WL.InboundCorrespondenceFileID AND ICD.CorrespondenceTypeID = WL.CorrespondenceTypeID ) AS QR ON ICS.FileDetailID = QR.FileDetailID WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET StatusDate = QR.StatusDate WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (FileDetailID, StatusDate) VALUES (QR.FileDetailID, QR.StatusDate) OUTPUT $action AS [Action] INTO @AuditTable; END TRY BEGIN CATCH -- Handle the Error IF( @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ) BEGIN ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END; EXECUTE dbo.usp_LogErrorInfo; END CATCH RETURN @ExecutionStatus; END;
Thanks for reporting this!
We've found out the cause and should have fixed the issue in the latest version of the SQL Prompt 6.5 beta.
Please let us know if you have any more issues.
Best regards,