Format SQL like this
Posts: 3
Hi, is it possible to set default SQL formater to format SQL like this:
I have
I wish to get
I have
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_nop_GetLager] @korisnik AS SMALLINT ,@poslovna_godina AS SMALLINT ,@timestamp AS BINARY(8) ,@skladiste AS NVARCHAR(20) ,@tip_lagera AS TINYINT AS
I wish to get
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_nop_GetLager] @korisnik AS SMALLINT ,@poslovna_godina AS SMALLINT ,@timestamp AS BINARY(8) ,@skladiste AS NVARCHAR(20) ,@tip_lagera AS TINYINT AS
Our current formatting system does not support the data type alignment, but we are currently working on a new system which does have this capability. A beta for this system should be out later this year.
We'll post on this forum when the beta becomes available. If you have any other formatting suggestions, please do add them to our formatting survey and we'll try to add the requested style in.
Best regards,