Restore on a different server

I got SQL Backup last week for 2 of my 2000 servers. From this backup, I need to restore one DB to a 2005 server that does not have Red Gate backup License.
What will be my command line script to restore a full backup and diff backup to read SQL backup files?
MY regular SQL Native Backup command does not work for this red gate backup files!!
What will be my command line script to restore a full backup and diff backup to read SQL backup files?
MY regular SQL Native Backup command does not work for this red gate backup files!!
You have a couple of options for restoring the backups to your machine.
The first would be to install the 14 day trial version of SQL Backup on your machine and use the extended stored procedure/GUI to restore it. Obviously if you need to regularly restore a backup you would end up needing a licence.
The second option is to convert your backup file to Native format and then restore the files to your second SQL Server in the usual way.
The command line version of the converter is called sqb2mtf and is located in your SQL Backup GUI installation folder.
There is also a GUI Version available from : ... _Converter
You can also use the extended stored procedures to convert the file with the following :
exec master..sqlbackup N'-SQL "CONVERT ''C:\Northwind.sqb'' TO ''C:\Northwind.bak''"'
I hope this helps.
Redgate Foundry
on machines with SQL Backup, I use the
exec master..sqlbackup
on most of other machines I need to restore
I use sqb2mtf, works very well