Schema Compare for Oracle
A minor release fixing a many severe issues. "Check for updates" off the help menu to update within the tool.
- No longer require upgrade for older schema folder directories
- Special characters in passwords now work in command line (OSC-461)
- Possible fix for ObjectDisposedException during population (OC-699)
- Grants no longer occassionally created before object creation (OC-615)
- Grants now scripted with new sequences (OC-735)
- Index organised tables with overflow segments now includes basic OVERFLOW in script even when storage options turned off (OC-736)
- Oracle version now identified correctly after issues with DBMS_UTILITY.DB_VERSION and instant client 12_1_0_2_0 returning truncated strings (OC-725, ODC-303, OSC-468)
- Passwords with special characters now escaped correctly (OSC-461)