Snapshot on event

Hi, I'm tracking down a problem at the moment in a Silverlight application where it will suddenly go nuts and use memory until it crashes. The problem is it can take from an hour to 10 hours before it happens. If I'm not present and I ahve ANTS attached, the run away process will take down ANTS as well.
So I want an event based trigger. Watch the application for me and grab a snapshot if memory usage suddenly goes up by x%. It would also be nice if it could survive the "going nuts" process.
Any thoughts?
So I want an event based trigger. Watch the application for me and grab a snapshot if memory usage suddenly goes up by x%. It would also be nice if it could survive the "going nuts" process.
Any thoughts?
Comments ... apshot+API
You can embed the ability to take a snapshot in your code so this can be based on time or mem usage or anything else that's programmatic.
Hope it helps! Let me know if you have further questions (I check forums each working day).
Useful to know in the future though
Silverlight does seem to 9 lives, I agree