How to get Long running and blocked quires From Red Gate DB
Posts: 2
One of our client using red gate monitoring, Developer want to review the Long running quires and Blocked process quires, so client is requesting to us and pull the long running quires and blocked quires from last 3 months report in red gate database. Could you please suggest how to get the data from the red gate database or let us know which table these quires information stored in red gate database. Thank for your support in advance.
One of our client using red gate monitoring, Developer want to review the Long running quires and Blocked process quires, so client is requesting to us and pull the long running quires and blocked quires from last 3 months report in red gate database. Could you please suggest how to get the data from the red gate database or let us know which table these quires information stored in red gate database. Thank for your support in advance.
Direct reporting from the data repository database isn't something that we are able to easily support. It just hasn't been designed with this in mind and so can be difficult.
The link below is to some blog posts written about the subject. ... s-lambrou/