Excluding objects from source code project object list

Entered as a suggestion here http://redgate.uservoice.com/forums/174014-oracle-tools/suggestions/6788932-include-support-for-ignoring-ignored-items-in-subv
The screenshot here is where I would like to be able to mark objects to exclude from future source control processing..
The screenshot here is where I would like to be able to mark objects to exclude from future source control processing..
Contact me at:
Allen Marshall
(w) armarshall@allenrmarshall-consulting-llc.com
website: http://tinyurl.com/ARM-LLC
Allen Marshall
(w) armarshall@allenrmarshall-consulting-llc.com
website: http://tinyurl.com/ARM-LLC
I'm slightly worried that allowing this would soon overwhelm our simple comma separated list of objects to ignore the current implementation.
Project Manager
Red Gate Software Ltd