Git support

alow_xterprisealow_xterprise Posts: 3
edited December 11, 2014 2:12AM in Source Control for Oracle
We're considering moving our source control from TFS to Git in the medium term - how far off is support for Git in Source Control for Oracle?


  • I've got the alpha half working on my machine. You can switch branches (but not merge yet). The main issue is that you can't link to an empty schema with a source control that has already been populated.

    I've been hoping for a before-christmas release for the alpha but issues with the least release have moved me onto bug-fixing for a week and holidays around christmas may move it to January sometime.

    There is still a little part of me that hopes for before-christmas so I'd say it's probably 50:50 before or after.
    Richard Mitchell
    Project Manager
    Red Gate Software Ltd
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