Logging when using command line mode

RichardGRichardG Posts: 2
edited October 22, 2014 12:28PM in SmartAssembly

I'm experiencing sluggish performance when using the command line mode and I'd like to see if the .NET 1.1 performance issue is the cause (viewtopic.php?t=20189) I doubt that it is but I'd like to turn on log4net, so how is this possible when using the command line mode of operation?

Many thanks,



  • Jessica RJessica R Posts: 1,319 Rose Gold 4
    Hi Richard,

    Thanks for your post!

    Enabling logging is still the same for command line-- kindly open %ProgramFiles%Red GateSmartAssembly 6SmartAssembly.exe.config and uncomment the logging section.

    Hope that helps!

    Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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