The SQL Backup 5 GUI is a Resource Hog

DonFergusonDonFerguson Posts: 210 Silver 5
edited September 23, 2008 10:49AM in SQL Backup Previous Versions
It seems that whenever I open the GUI it takes a long time to syschronize all registered SQL Server instances before it becomes usable. The more instances I add, the worse the problem gets.

It seems that the GUI wants to syschronize all data with the instances upon opening. :roll:

I think I could just unregister all of my instances in the GUI and just connect to whatever instances I need to work with as a work around, but I am hoping there is a more elegant solution.

Is there a way to prevent the GUI from synchonizing data from all registered servers / instances when it opens. I would only want to sync the data for the server/instance I am working with. :idea:


  • Thank you for your post into the forum.

    Unfortunately the SQL Backup GUI can use a lot of resources, particularly if you have a large number of instances / databases to synchronize on start up on the GUI.

    At this time there is no way to prevent this from occurring when the GUI starts up.

    The development team are considering a number of feature requests to improve this area of the GUI both in the next point release of SQL Backup.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
  • Thanks for the reply.

    I'm sure you have heard this suggestion before, but if you are considering improvements for the GUI, I would recommend that it be configured to interact with a Central SQL Server database instead.

    Then there would be no need for it to sync up locally. It would just query from the central database on an as needed basis. That would also have the added benefit of not requiring every GUI user to register new servers whenever new ones are added.
  • Thank you for your reply.

    I will add your comments to the existing feature request for the development team to consider.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
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