CREATE ASSEMBLY are always different after syncronization

edited September 22, 2008 11:26AM in SQL Compare Previous Versions
after comparing two objects of CREATE ASSEMBLY type, SQL Compare still shows differences in FROM clause .

Why does it happen?

The version is
Junior Mayhe
Infonapsys - Real information


  • Is SQL Compare actually showing the objects as different (i.e. you could select and synchronize them a second time) or are these differences shown in the SQL Differences Panel only?
    Software Developer
    Redgate Software
  • When you install a CLR assembly in your database for the first time, and synchronize it with another database, it showed me that CLR Assemblies were different in the SQL Differences Panel, but without the orange notation on the bottom left corner.

    Nowadays it seems to be ok; the assemblies are equal when I synchronize for the second time and on.

    It was not posible to synchronize it for the first time, but when you run the script below on the target database, you're able to synchronize the databases:

    alter database YOUR_DATABASE_NAME
    set trustworthy on

    As you know, the assemblies are in a notation that is not user friendly:

    --Assembly causaciones, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null, processorarchitecture=msil
    FROM 0x4d5a90000300000004000000ffff0000b800000000000000400000000
    AS 'Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs'

    In the first time, SQL Differences Panel was showing differences in the FROM Clause of the assembly, but there were no orange indication.
    Junior Mayhe
    Infonapsys - Real information
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