Find function : unable to get it working

LexiconLexicon Posts: 76 Bronze 3
Hi Guys,

I am trying to use the find feature to located a method (due to bug [see other post]) and I cannot get it to jump to any matches in the code at all, are there any known issues ?

I am looking for 'Private Sub New' and have tried different case versions all leaving me staring at a disabled Prev/Next buttons



  • Hi Paul,

    can i just clarify something. When you say you cannot get it to jump to any matches in the code are you referring to the code window?

    The find only applies to the call stack and all methods grid. Just wanted to check this first in case there was any confusion because of the terminology.

    If that is the case that you can't find methods in the call stack or method grid then there's obviously either a problem or another possibility is that the methods for example are hidden (if hide insignificant methods is checked they might obviously not be there if fast).

    Is it the case that you can see the method in the tree but it's not being found by the search?

    Does the Find work at all? Or is it just with constructors that it has the problem?

  • LexiconLexicon Posts: 76 Bronze 3
    Hi Stephen,

    "The find only applies to the call stack and all methods grid."

    that is why it is not working as I was expecting, I was anticipating that it would search the code window :(

    it certainly works when I search for things in the call stack.
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