foreign key question

Newbie here. I'm playing with the trial and I've modified the worked example in the api documentation to run against some play databases.
I have a parent and child table with a foreign key relationship. Both tables have primary keys that are identities.
When the sql data compare script is created to insert the records into the new database, the parentID in the child table is being inserted 'as is' from the old table rather than inserting the parent record and inserting the child records with the new ID from the parent. Is there any way to do this programatically?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I have a parent and child table with a foreign key relationship. Both tables have primary keys that are identities.
When the sql data compare script is created to insert the records into the new database, the parentID in the child table is being inserted 'as is' from the old table rather than inserting the parent record and inserting the child records with the new ID from the parent. Is there any way to do this programatically?
Thanks in advance for any help.
PK identity field will be repopulated automatically.
Red-Gate support