
Exception thrown when typing aggregate functions

Jason HannasJason Hannas Posts: 41 Bronze 3
edited July 15, 2008 1:51PM in SQL Prompt Previous Versions
I get the following errors when typing any aggregate or system function such as COUNT(), SUM(), or ROW_NUMBER(). I usually see:
************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Engine.SqlPromptEngine.ParameterPrompt()
   at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Editor.EditorWindowBase.OnCaretPoitionChanged()
   at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonVS.Editor.TextViewMonitor.Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IOleCommandTarget.Exec(Guid& pguidCmdGroup, UInt32 nCmdID, UInt32 nCmdexecopt, IntPtr pvaIn, IntPtr pvaOut)

But sometimes I end up with:

************** Exception Text **************
System.ArgumentNullException: Database must not be null.
Parameter name: database
   at RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.DatabaseObjectResolver..ctor(Database database)
   at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Engine.SqlPromptEngine.ParameterPrompt()
   at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Editor.EditorWindowBase.OnCaretPoitionChanged()
   at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonVS.Editor.TextViewMonitor.Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IOleCommandTarget.Exec(Guid& pguidCmdGroup, UInt32 nCmdID, UInt32 nCmdexecopt, IntPtr pvaIn, IntPtr pvaOut)

It does appear to only happen on connections that SQL Prompt does not connect to, or during the cache refresh with a new connection. Then, often after a few minutes, the problem disappears. It's really pretty annoying!

My version is and I'm using MSSMS 9.00.3042.00 on Vista. Anyone else getting this issue?


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