DTS Compare Time

BrucevbBrucevb Posts: 2
edited January 18, 2005 1:23PM in DTS Compare 1.x
I have been running a DTS compare for about an hour between two servers with only a few packages. The standard SQL Compare takes less than a minute. How many hours does it typically take to compare two servers with DTS Compare?

bruce VB


  • Hi Bruce,

    A long, long time, admittedly. A DTS repository with about 100 DTS packages can be up to 300MB in size. The size and complexity of the DTS packages can have a great effect on the amount of time needed to register a database and the database I have mentioned can take up to 45 minutes to register and 30 minutes to compare. There is much more information in a DTS package than even in a very complex SQL schema.
  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1

    Yes, this seems to be pretty normal when comparing servers that contain quite a few DTS packages. The main difference between DTS Compare and SQL Compare/Data Compare is that we still use SQLDMO.dll to get information about the server. SQL DMO is notoriously slow.
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