New version?

Has it really been over a year since SQL Refactor was updated? Time flies when you're having fun. Are there any plans for a new version any time soon? No specific requests -- just use the product daily and hungry for more goodies. (I don't see anything on the roadmap.)
Jeremy Fuller
VP, Software Development
Organizational Intelligence, Inc.
VP, Software Development
Organizational Intelligence, Inc.
We haven't nailed down a definite roadmap just yet, but it's likely that we will have a better understanding of how we move SQL Refactor forward within the next six weeks.
Sorry I can't be more specific. Of course, if you have any ideas for how you would like SQL Refactor to improve, please post your ideas here!
David Atkinson
Product Manager
Red Gate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software
I think that the most useful enhancement to Refactor would be a greater flexibility in the layout options. Currently I cannot make Refactor match ANY of my clients coding standards. This leaves me with the dilemma of forcing a new standard upon them or not fully embracing Refactor. Unfortunately, it invariably means the later prevails. In fact, prompt itself has much more flexibility. It would be good if any potential formatting of code via prompt and its user could be matched by Refactor. This would make it a much more powerful and utilized product in my arsenal of excellent Red Gate tools.