Different Versions of dll's for SQLCompare and SQLDataCompar

I am currently trying to build an installable using Installshield and using the SQLCompare and SQLDataCompare. I am putting them in the SUPPORTDIR so that they get cleaned up after installation. However, depending on whether I copy the common dll's from SQLCompare or SQLDataCompare, one or the other programs will not run because it can not find the version of the dll. I checked the shared dll's between the two and they are different versions. Does this mean that I have to copy each set into their own directory? The different versions are for SQLCompare and for SQLDataCompare. Are there any changes in the exe.config files that I can set to have it use the older version? I would like to be able to keep them in the same directory because as far as I can tell the SUPPORTDIR does not support subfolders.
This is not easily implemented in a distributed system. One dll or two dll names is requested.